illustration; typography
Broadsides for Breonna
Broadsides for Breonna is a project created by the women of the Write On! Poetry Babes as a way to celebrate Breonna Taylor's life and work toward ending the injustice that she and many other Black Americans suffer. I typeset and created illustrations for six broadsides of poems written by poets of color. Show your support for this cause by donating to one of the excellent organizations they provide, and in turn, you can receive one of the broadsides.

on poetry & history — after Joy Harjo / by Aracelis Girmay

Girls With Boobies Bigger Than Mine / by Naomi Extra

Notes to the Gracious Earth / by Cheryl Boyce-Taylor

Three Women / Two Transfers and a Token / One Reincarnation / by Omotara James

What to Say to a Friend Who Wants to Give Up / by JP Howard

Believe (an excerpt) / by Mia X
Tools used
Adobe InDesign
Adobe Photoshop
Epson scanner
Bembo font family
Moleskine sketchbook
pencils (HB, B, 2B, 6B)
Micron pens (005, 01, 03, 08)
Scotch tape